HU4 Hand Strap Install

Welcome to the HU4 Hand Strap Install page.


Start by emptying the pouch contents and grabbing:

  • Ring Part
  • Bar part
  • Bar to Ring bag of screws


Place the two screws side by side in the Bar and screw lightly (camera tight) into the Ring part.

Before tightening make sure the two parts are straight and flush.  Then tighten like you would with a dovetail and a QR plate (grip tight)


Now get the Bar to Remote screw bag.

Install Bar onto HU4.

Flip remote for a top view.

Take out Top to Bar screw bag and Top piece.

Install top piece and tighten lightly. Once the Top piece is properly aligned with side of the remote, tighten with all your might.


Final step - Install Hand Strap.